Affiliate Program
Want to make some extra cash from your blog, website and/or social media accounts? Sign up (free - no cost to you) for our affiliate program and begin earning sales referral commissions today!
As an affiliate, you will have access to all of our affiliate program tools, including our ads and graphics, and everything else you'll need to get started.
The best part... Affiliates earn between 10% and 20% sales commission on every sales referral for seeds at this website, but ALSO for any smoking accessories at and 5% on Armoire Grow Systems. This website is owned by Green Goddess Supply and runs through the same ShareASale system, so you will earn commissions from EITHER website!
Joining our affiliate program is easy:
First, Signup for an account at
Simply click the button below, fill out the sign up form and you can start earning instant commissions.
The link below takes you to
Create Your Own Links
Once you have your account up and running, you'll want to create links. Grab a URL such as our homepage or a product specific page, and then paste it into the wizard on THIS page within - this wizard will create a custom link for you that you can then use in your blog, on Instagram, and elsewhere:
The wizard even has an option to make shorter "vanity" URLs (or you can run it through tinyURL or Now just put this into your Instagram Bio and use it in your tweets, blogging and facebook posts!